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Full Membership



  • Conference Discount

  • Mailing list for news and information

  • Right to Stand at Election 

  • Voting Rights at AGMs and EGMs


Associate Membership



  • Conference Discount

  • Engagement with the Scottish Seaweed Industry

  • Mailing list for news and information


Student Membership



  • Conference Discount

  • Mailing list for news and information


Corporate / Group




  • Conference Discount for up to 4 members

  • Mailing list for news and information

  • Voting rights at AGMs and EGMs 

There are several benefits of joining the Scottish Seaweed Industry Association (SSIA) including:

Access to industry knowledge

Access to the latest industry research, trends, and news to stay informed

Networking opportunities

Meet other seaweed industry professionals, exchange ideas and insights, and build relationships that can help your business grow

advocacy and representation

Be part of a collective voice that can influence policies and regulations that affect your business

support and advice

Business support and advice, including access to funding, market research, and technical expertise

brand recognition

Demonstrate your commitment to the Scottish seaweed industry and its sustainability

Join Us



To finalise your membership please send payment to:



Bank: Royal Bank of Scotland

Sort Code: 83-26-04

Account No: 00200523

Seaweed Industry Association (Scotland) Ltd



Please PUT A REFERENCE ON YOUR BACS PAYMENT so that SSIA can identify you and your payment.  When submitting this Membership Form please attach a copy of your completed BACS form.


FOR STUDENT APPLICATIONS please email evidence of student status to

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Full Membership

is for individuals or companies with a demonstrable commercial interest in seaweed, and its supply and value chain, operating within Scotland. Full members based outside Scotland need to be aware that any representation to regulatory authorities is currently limited to the devolved authorities in Scotland, unless there is an alignment of interest and regulatory jurisdiction (e.g. with UK and/or EU bodies) in which case SSIA could represent members' interests at a wider level.
Full membership allows voting rights at AGM or EGM meetings, and the right to stand for election as a director.

Corporate/Group Membership

is for a company or group with a demonstrable commercial interest in seaweed, and its supply and value chain, operating within Scotland. 
Corporate / Group membership allows for an equivalent of 1 voting right at any AGM or EGM meetings, and the right to stand for election as a director, if you are aligned with the objectives and roles of the SSIA, in the same way a full member would be. 
Group Membership can also be sought for organisations with multiple members who are not fully aligned with the SSIA, but they will not qualify for a vote at any AGMs. 

Associate Membership

is for individuals or companies with a demonstrable commercial interest in seaweed, but without the necessity to be operating in Scotland or to have commercial interests in Scotland. SSIA actively welcomes associate members from elsewhere.

Student Membership

is for anyone showing evidence of student status with an interest in seaweeds. For student applications please email evidence of student status to

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